Friends enjoying
God together
Churches empowered
by Word & Spirit
The Kingdom,
transforming the world
Nations, making

Our Distinctives.

Way back in 2011, the original ChristCentral team discussed what values should shape us as family of churches – what it was particularly that God was highlighting as important.

Out of this discussion came the ChristCentral Distinctives which were originally presented at North - a summer camp held over the August Bank Holiday weekend in 2011. These distinctives continue to shape us today, they are:

  • Being friends enjoying God together
  • Building churches empowered by Word & Spirit
  • Advancing The Kingdom, transforming the world
  • Reaching nations, making disciples

Vision 2030

Having been praying and seeking God about the next season together, we feel that God has spoken to us about our vision over the next decade. Read more here...

ChristCentral Churches Values

Please find below our ChristCentral values, which are based upon the 17 Newfrontiers values set out by Terry Virgo and his apostolic team that were originally published in Newfrontiers Magazine October 2009 - July 2010.

  • 1. A gospel preaching church that is loving, righteous in its lifestyle, involved in world mission and reaching the unsaved in its community by both public and personal evangelistic activity.
  • 2. A church where regular teaching and preaching of the Bible holds a primary role and where Scripture's authority is final.
  • 3. A church whose people are assured of the grace of God in their lives and are clear about the full New Covenant benefits of being in Christ.
  • 4. A church whose people are baptised (as believers) in water and in the Holy Spirit, and brought into a genuine life in the Spirit.
  • 5. A church where God's presence is prized and where God is enthusiastically worshipped with genuine freedom for men and women to worship publicly in the Holy Spirit, to use spiritual gifts and to participate in 'body ministry'.
  • 6. A grace-filled church which is a loving community, meeting both publicly and from house to house, sharing and caring for each other's needs, both spiritual and material.
  • 7. A church where Biblical family life is highly valued, where godly parenting is taught and practised, and where the special value of singleness and its unique opportunities are affirmed.
  • 8. A church led by elders (one of whom is clearly understood to be gifted to be lead elder) who are ordained by the Holy Spirit, recognized and confirmed through apostolic ministry. These men are to be helped in fulfilling their calling through on-going fellowship with trans-local ministries.
  • 9. A church where elders are honoured as servant-leaders, caring for the flock and providing appropriate spiritual disciplines where necessary.
  • 10. A church freed from complacency and endeavouring to grow in gospel impact, faith, prayer, generosity, action and influence.
  • 11. A church whose individual members are equipped for their role of service within the church and community, including the release and training of those called to trans-local ministry.
  • 12. A church which is fully involved in our shared apostolic mission to extend the kingdom of God globally through the recovery of New Testament church life, making disciples, training leaders and planting churches by all means, including wholehearted financial commitment, welcoming trans-local ministries, regularly attending corporate gatherings, promoting our publications and communicating our news.
  • 13. A church which is serving and empowering the poor within its own ranks and beyond.
  • 14. A church which wholeheartedly embraces the New Testament teaching of the one new man, demonstrating love and respect between the races, cultures and sexes.
  • 15. A church which is proving to be both salt and light in its location, impacting the culture of the community.
  • 16. A church that is committed to excellent relationships with other Christians and churches in its community.
  • 17. A church desiring and welcoming encouragement and correction from trans-local ministries in the fulfilment of these objectives.

What is Newfrontiers?

Newfrontiers is a group of apostolic leaders partnering together on global mission, joined by common values and beliefs, shared mission and genuine relationships. For more information about Newfrontiers please visit:

Definition - Distinctive: "The Characteristic of one person or thing, and so serving to distinguish it from others"

The Oxford Dictionary 2015
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