Our second Kaleidoscope festival; celebrating the impact of creativity through ChristCentral.
We believe that getting everyone together once a year for KOLLIDE is going to be a really effective way for us to help achieve our mission statement; which is to cultivate creativity through ChristCentral.
If you consider yourself creative or are excited about how God’s gifts of creativity can make a difference in our world then we’d love you to join us.
The event will include some exciting and creative times of worship together where we’re expecting to hear God speak to us about His plans for Creativity through ChristCentral.
Our main speaker for this event will be the fantastic Martin Charlesworth (ChristCentral Training Director).
The theme for this event is The Importance of Creativity – we’ve had a bleak few years but we believe that God is doing something fresh amongst us and we’re excited to see where He takes us as we continue to see His creativity sharpen the church and shape the culture.
To find out more and to book in today click here.