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Our latest content is shown below. The ‘series’ and ‘find’ tabs allow you to search our archive for particular series, themes, books or speakers...

Devotional - Three - To Him
The third devotional looking at the person of Jesus.

Jesus ChristCentral Devoted
Jeremy Simpkins
Reviving Your Calling
1 Timothy
Tope encourages us to seek God afresh and prioritise His presence in our lives.

ChristCentral Leadership Jesus Holy Spirit
Tope Koleoso
Ministry & Marriage
Steve & Deb discuss building strong marriages in the midst of ministry.

Marriage Leadership Devoted
Steve and Deb Tibbert
Euangelion Gathering
Steve Hurd hosts our lunchtime Euangelion Gathering and is joined by guest speaker Gram Seed

Evangelism ChristCentral Leadership
What Has God Put On Your Heart?
Steve closes our conference encouraging us to pursue the things that God has called us to as leaders and as a family of churches.

Christian Life Leadership Devoted
Steve Tibbert
Devotional - Two - Through Him
The second of three devotionals looking at the person of Jesus.

Jesus ChristCentral Devoted
Jeremy Simpkins
The Reconciled Church - Growing Multiethnic Congregations
[ 5 Episodes ]
Exploring what it means to be churches that truly reflect this diversity in all sorts of ways.
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Devoted Leaders 2023
[ 8 Episodes ]
Devoted Leaders 2023 was a time of encounter, encouragement and equipping; three things we all need in this season!
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CreationCall - Conference 2023
[ 7 Episodes ]
This series was recored as part of the CreationCall Conference Churches Facing the Environmental Crisis. CreationCall is an apostolic initiative of ChristCentral.
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Multicoloured Church Initiative
[ 1 Episodes ]
Recordings from the Multicoloured Church Initiative training evenings
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ChristCentral Sunday 2022
[ 2 Episodes ]
In October 2022 all churches that are part of ChristCentral held a ChristCentral Sunday and took up an offering to support the work of ChristCentral
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Devoted Leaders 2022
[ 6 Episodes ]
Main sessions from our three day leaders gathering in Darlington UK, speakers included, Nicky Gumbel, Natalie Williams, Terry Virgo, Jeremy Simpkins, Chris Frost
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Devoted Leaders 2022 - Seminars
[ 5 Episodes ]
Seminars from our three day leaders gathering in Darlington UK, speakers included, Nicky Gumbel, Natalie Williams, Terry Virgo, Jeremy Simpkins, Chris Frost
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Devoted Leaders 2022 - Highlights
[ 3 Episodes ]
Some highlights from our three day leaders gathering in Darlington UK
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Understanding the Environment
[ 4 Episodes ]
Biblical, scientific and practical perspectives to equip leaders and key activists. Dr Ruth Valerio (Tearfund) will be helping us to gain a dynamic biblical framework. Then Martin Charlesworth will be outlining the key findings of science and their practical significance for us as disciples of Jesus and for churches seeking to find a way to engage more effectively with environmental issues.
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Devoted 2021 - Main Sessions
[ 4 Episodes ]
Main sessions from Devoted 2021
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Devoted 2021 - Keynote Speakers
[ 4 Episodes ]
Here are the keynote addresses from our main speakers at Devoted 2021
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Devoted 2021 - Seminars
[ 16 Episodes ]
Seminars from Devoted 2021 - including race & diversity, leadership, mental health, discipleship, evangelism
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Lessons From Lockdown
[ 3 Episodes ]
Jeremy shares some of the lessons he has learnt during the various lockdowns we have experienced in the UK in recent months. A series of short videos looking at various lessons we can learn...
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Spiritual Shepherds
[ 5 Episodes ]
Jeremy shares some thoughts about what spiritual leadership should look like under the title - 'spiritual shepherds'
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One Off Talks
[ 6 Episodes ]
Various talks from across the ChristCentral family which we felt you would like to hear...
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Churches that Change Communities 2020
[ 1 Episodes ]
Videos from the first online Jubilee+ Conference
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Fiesta 2020
[ 4 Episodes ]
Fiesta 2020 - Construyendo en Tiempos de Deconstrucción
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Think Theology Conference
[ 3 Episodes ]
The keynote addresses from this years Think Theology Conference - shared with permission
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Devoted 2020
[ 4 Episodes ]
Devoted 2020 - an online festival took place on 30th August 2020 on YouTube and across our family of churches
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Devoted 2019 - Main Sessions
[ 5 Episodes ]
Devoted 2019 - a festival for all the family, speakers include: Jarrod Cooper, Jeremy Simpkins, Lou Fellingham and David Devenish hosted by ChristCentral
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Racism & The Church
[ 2 Episodes ]
The battle to work out one new humanity in Christ. Some teaching and training sessions for church leaders & Christians seeking to work through the issues of racism and the church. How to begin to build towards a response to the issues around building churches which reflect God's heart to gather a church of all nations.
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Devoted 2019 - LifeZones
[ 17 Episodes ]
After family worship our mornings are given over to our LifeZones where we look at a variety of subjects which are relevant to Christians today!
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Devoted 2019 - AfternoonZones
[ 8 Episodes ]
New for 2019 - AfternoonZones - meet people who are a similar age or have a similar vision to you, focused zones on particular subjects that you can pop into...
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[ 4 Episodes ]
This series on Nehemiah by Terry Virgo was recorded at Downs 1983. The Newfrontiers conference called Downs was the forerunner to the very well known Stoneleigh Bible weeks. This series has been digitised by popular demand. For more details or to get in touch with us please contact:
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Leadership 2019
[ 2 Episodes ]
Recordings from sessions at the ChristCentral Leadership Weekend 2019
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Pursuing His Presence - Vancouver
[ 3 Episodes ]
Conference from Trinity Central Vancouver with David Fellingham and others speaking on the subject of Pursuing His Presence
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Devoted 2018 - Main Sessions
[ 6 Episodes ]
Devoted 2018 - a ChristCentral festival for all the family, speakers include: Andrew & Rachel Wilson, Jeremy Simpkins, Nicky Gumbel, Lee Yarbrough
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Devoted 2018 - Amplify
[ 6 Episodes ]
Recordings from our youth stream at Devoted. Hear from speakers including: Chris Frost, Allen Rossi, Josh Bye & Jeremy Simpkins
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Devoted 2018 - LifeZones
[ 17 Episodes ]
After family worship our mornings are given over to our LifeZones where we look at a variety of subjects which are relevant to Christians today!
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Leadership 2018
[ 4 Episodes ]
Recordings from sessions at the ChristCentral Leadership Weekend 2018
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ChristCentral Tour - Midlands
[ 3 Episodes ]
The ChristCentral team visits a location near you...
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ChristCentral Tour - NorthWest
[ 4 Episodes ]
The ChristCentral team visits a location near you...
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Leadership Weekend 2017
[ 4 Episodes ]
Recordings from sessions at the ChristCentral Leadership Weekend 2017
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Devoted 2016 - Main Sessions
[ 4 Episodes ]
Devoted - a ChristCentral festival for all the family - we’re so excited about all that God did amongst us and hope you enjoyed being with us! Please find below the main sessions from Devoted. We will upload videos of the main sessions shortly!
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Devoted 2016 - LifeZones
[ 20 Episodes ]
Devoted - a ChristCentral festival for all the family - we’re so excited about all that God did amongst us and hope you enjoyed being with us! Please find below all the available teaching from our LifeZones at Devoted.
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Kingdom Come 2016
[ 5 Episodes ]
Christ Central Church Fredricton - Kingdom Come Conference 2016
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Devoted 2015
[ 15 Episodes ]
Devoted - a ChristCentral festival for all the family - we’re so excited about our new event and hope you enjoyed being with us! Please find below all the available teaching from Devoted. More will be uploaded as and when it is available.
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In Christ Together
[ 3 Episodes ]
ICT Midlands weekend Jeremy & the ChristCentral team visited churches in UK, Canada & Zambia sharing speaking on this theme
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Christ Central Canada Conference
[ 6 Episodes ]
Our Christ Central Conference 2014 in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada took place April 24-26 with over 300 people attending from 42 different churches.
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Training Days
[ 3 Episodes ]
As part of our commitment to training and equipping leaders and churches ChristCentral holds a number of training sessions throughout the year. We invite various speakers from across the Newfrontiers family and further afield to share with us on particular subjects.
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ChristCentral Leadership Weekend 2013
[ 3 Episodes ]
Over a weekend in November we gathered all our senior leadership couples together for a time of team building and teaching. The weekend was a mixture of worship, teaching and ministry with plenty of time to relax and enjoy being friends together!
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North 2013
[ 14 Episodes ]
Celebrating its 10th year, North 2013, for the final time gathered people from North America, Scandanaiva, East & Central Africa and from all over the UK to the beautiful North Yorkshire countryside at Coulbeck Farm over the August Bank Holiday weekend.
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North 2012
[ 18 Episodes ]
Celebrating its 9th year North 2012 once again gathered people from across churches in the north of the UK and further afield to the beautiful North Yorkshire countryside at Coulbeck Farm over the August Bank Holiday weekend. Excellent teaching by: David Devenish, Dave Holden, Adrian Holloway and Jeremy Simpkins & others...
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North 2011
[ 12 Episodes ]
North 2011 gathered nearly 2,500 people and was a resounding success. With a powerful sense of God’s presence and power; outstanding preaching from Terry Virgo, Guy Miller and Jeremy Simpkins. There was also inspiring worship as well as excellent children and youth activities.
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North 2009
[ 2 Episodes ]
A couple of important recordings from our previous summer event called North. These recordings are from North 2009
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Leadership 2021
[ 0 Episodes ]
Recordings from sessions at the ChristCentral Leadership Weekend 2021
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Devoted 2021 - Children & Youth Sessions
[ 0 Episodes ]
Children & Youth Sessions for Devoted 2021
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Preaching To Post Christian People
Andrew speaks about how we can approach preaching in our culture

Culture Leadership Devoted
Andrew Wilson
Creativity & Culture - Session 3
Whether you are at the start of exploring your creative gifts or well on your way, the focus of this LifeZone is to encourage you to step out in your creative skills and abilities. Focussing on God's design for our creativity as well as exploring a mix of theology practical tips and personal stories

Devoted Creativity Culture
Creativity & Culture - Session 2
Whether you are at the start of exploring your creative gifts or well on your way, the focus of this LifeZone is to encourage you to step out in your creative skills and abilities. Focussing on God's design for our creativity as well as exploring a mix of theology practical tips and personal stories

Devoted Creativity Culture
Creativity & Culture - Session 1
Whether you are at the start of exploring your creative gifts or well on your way, the focus of this LifeZone is to encourage you to step out in your creative skills and abilities. Focussing on God's design for our creativity as well as exploring a mix of theology practical tips and personal stories

Devoted Creativity Culture

Disclaimer: All talks on this website are the speakers own opinions and do not necessarily reflect the position of ChristCentral or Newfrontiers

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