Mike Sprenger
Revival Paper

Editor: Mike recently wrote an excellent paper on the subject of Revival. We wanted to make it available to a wider audience on our website so please find a snippet of it below and a link to the paper on our website. 

Martyn Lloyd-Jones in his book Preaching and Preachers, stated, ‘I know of nothing, in my experience, that has been more exhilarating and helpful, and that has acted more frequently as a tonic to me, than the history of revivals.’ Revival has been God’s way of keeping the church alive. D.M. Panton describes revival as ‘the inrush of the Spirit into a body that threatens to become a corpse'.

Revival is like God giving the church a kiss of life and was a buzzword several years ago - but a subject we hear less about today. Many voices gave weight to a growing expectation that God was about to pour out His Spirit in revival power particularly in the UK.

Editor: Mike's paper goes on to look at the following headings:

    • Revival and Recent Prophecy
    • The Character of Revival
    • Common Features of Revival

You can read the full manuscript by clicking the link below: