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God At Work Conference

  • Want to start your own business?
  • Want to see your career develop?
  • Want to change the culture in your workplace?
  • Want to grow in Kingdom influence at work?

If you would like to grow in Kingdom Influence in the workplace or see the culture of your workplace change then this 1/2 day conference is for you. Through personal stories from people who have started Social Enterprises and their own small businesses and become influential in their sectors you will be inspired to respond to what God is saying to you. Practical illustration and theological grounding as well as plenty of time for networking will encouragement will equip to see God at Work.

Case studies and teaching from:

  • Social Enterprises
  • Business Start-ups
  • Influencers in the work-place
  • Theological Foundations
  • Tools for Kingdom effectiveness
  • Q+A, Networking and Encouragement

Saturday 14th April 2018, 09.30—12.00

Barnabas Church Centre, Shrewsbury, SY3 7DN

Book a free place email: nick.priggis@developmentlearning.co.uk