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Safe & Secure Training Day

Church leaders, administrators and trustees gathered from all four corners of the UK (nearly!) last month for a training day in sending volunteers overseas.This day focussed particularly on the safety and security aspects of sending, although Andy Martin addressed some important cross cultural issues in his talk. 

One of the highlights was the fact that this drew delegates from across all of the UK Newfrontiers spheres, and was a collaborative day put on by Commission and Catalyst. It was a good reminder that there is much to be gained from sharing resources across the Newfrontiers family. Additionally, the group were thankful to be spared any risk management jokes from Miles Jarvis.

Kara Newman gave an excellent talk on developing a framework for managing volunteers going overseas using case studies where it went well (and where it didn't!). 

We are already talking about putting on some further cross cultural and mission training together so watch this space.

If you missed the day and would like to find out more, then please contact the Commission office.