ChristCentral Web
Keeping you up to date

This has been an extraordinary year in many ways, much of what we would usually call our pattern of ministry has been interrupted. Some have found this challenge energising whilst others have struggled to find their feet. To keep you up to date with what is happening in ChristCentral I would recommend you follow us on our social media feeds. or

We’ve really enjoyed our international online Leaders gatherings, our next gathering is going to be on the 27th January 2021. More details and booking to come shortly. We’re also excitedly anticipating our first online leaders conference in February 2020. Our guests will be Terry & Wendy Virgo and this will be taking place online on Saturday 27th February 2021 from 2pm. The reason for the timings as ever is to try and make these events as accessible as possible for our brothers and sisters across the Americas.

Booking links for both of these events will be made available in the New Year.

May we take this opportunity to wish you a peaceful Christmas, that you will know the presence of Christ Emmanuel as you celebrate.