We base our work on three foundations:
Theology: the Bible shows a world created ‘very good’ by God, with humans made ‘in the image of God’ to care for it, and with a hope of ultimate restoration in Christ.
Science: through human actions, environmental degradation and climate change now threaten our ability to sustain life on the earth in the long term.
Justice: the effects of environmental degradation and climate change already have a disproportionate effect on the world’s poor.
Rather than re-inventing the wheel by unpacking these large topics here, we have a collated a range of resources which we've listed
What we do:
We provide:1. A website, with extensive resources and stories of environmental engagement from our churches.
2. Occasional conferences and training events.
3. Opportunity for discussion and support – please contact us by
What we don’t do:
We don’t prescribe what we should all do but rather offer encouragement, support and inspiration for churches to respond appropriately in their own situation.
We don’t want to “reinvent the wheel.” Many others have been on this journey longer than we have. We respect their work by presenting their excellent resources that we have found helpful, and value working in partnership.
We don’t campaign on specific issues, though we encourage individuals who feel called in this way to get involved.
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