ChristCentral Leaders Prayer Day
2 March 2022
Join us for our next ChristCentral Prayer Day on Wednesday 2 March 2022 from 10am - 4pm (GMT). Hosted by City Church Sheffield, we'll spend the day praying for a variety of things across ChristCentral, Newfrontiers and indeed the nations.
As always this invite is open to you and your leadership, staff and trainee teams, as well as any local leaders who you feel may benefit from being with us. If you are married this is an invitation to you and your spouse.
For full details & to book please click here.
ChristCentral Leaders Online
Wednesday - 02 March 2022 | 2pm (GMT)
If you can't join us for our in-person prayer day why not join us online in the afternoon as we gather leaders from around the world for a time of worship, teaching, news, prayer and encouragement!. This event is free of charge but you do need to book in (& have a zoom account) to join us. To find out more & book now click here.
Devoted Leaders Conference
28-30 June 2022 - Darlington, UK
An in-person conference for church, marketplace and emerging leaders. We're praying for encounter, encouragement and equipping; three things we all need in this season! Speakers include: Terry Virgo (in-person) and Nicky Gumbel (by video). First price break ends 31 March 2022. Book now!
God's Multicoloured Church
16-17 March 2022 - The joy of Race, Cultural Diversity, Unity and Reconciliation. This unique module will address the biblical, cultural, practical and missional issues related to race and cultural diversity. An outstanding opportunity to reflect, discuss, learn and pray together! Speakers include: Raj Saha, Martin Charlesworth, Owen Hylton and Rosie Hopley. Find out more and book in today click here.
Multicoloured Church Survey
At its recent online envision evening, the 'Multicoloured Church' Initiative team launched a survey, to look at how racial diversity plays out in our churches. Could we ask each church leadership team in the UK to complete it? This will help the team tailor training and resources to best serve our churches. Deadline: Friday 25th March 2022 - to complete the survey click here.
Newday 2022
Monday 01 - Friday 05 August 2022
Newday is back! Newday is one of the largest Christian events for young people that takes place in the UK every year. Thousands of young people aged 12-18 descend on Norfolk Showground to learn about and worship God. For more details click here. Next price break ends 30th April 2022.
Newfrontiers Students & 20s - 30 March 2022
Online Learning Community for Group Leaders
Do you lead a student or 20s group or a church with a particularly young demographic? Join with other leaders for an 'online learning community' on Wednesday 30 March 2022. The aim is to meet, learn from success, understand challenges & pray together for students and young adults in the UK. For more details and to book in click here.