Matt Fell
ID - Intentional Discipleship

I hope your well and Happy New year! I am getting in touch as this is a key time for recruiting anyone in your church that would benefit from a year with ID.

This year out program, is for anyone who is over 18, they could be finishing college, university or be at any stage in life wanting to take a year to be intentionally discipled, as well as having the opportunity to grow and serve in one of our Church placements. Do you, or any other leaders in your church, know of anyone that you could have a conversation with about exploring a year with ID? Could you reach out to other churches you have a relationship with and ask if they have someone who could come and serve on a placement at your church? Lets hear from the course Director Matt Fell about why ID is such a great opportunity.

Catch up with Matt Fell (ID Course director)

We have a Taster event coming up on 27th March at 7.45pm for anyone interested in exploring a year with ID, here is the link where they can sign up: https://revelationchurch.churchsuite.com/events/xtwoa1p0

Please also have a look at our new Promo video for ID, this would be great to share in your churches, youth and student groups about the opportunity of taking an ID year.

You can access a copy here or download a copy here.

There is also an opportunity for anyone applying for ID 2023/24 to benefit from a discount in fees, by applying before Good Friday 2023! The course fees for the year are £2000 but any applications received before 7th April will benefit from a discounted price of £1750! To apply now click here.

Please get in touch if you would like to know anything more about ID,

God bless,

Matt Fell
ID Course Director