Go Zambia 2016 – what an adventure.
We arrived back in the UK yesterday evening safe and sound, with our suitcases and with a smile on our faces despite feeling a little weary. After a good night sleep, a hot shower and something to eat other than aeroplane food (what do they add to make it taste like it does?!) our bodies are slowly adjusting to being back home. The next few days are a time to catch up with family and friends, but most of all reflect on what has been an amazing couple of weeks. Looking back you realise how fortunate you are to have the experience that we did. From meeting a tribal chief, to sitting round a bonfire singing Zambian songs, to learning from people who have set up a life changing charity – we have been so blessed. It’s hard to sum up a trip like this in a few words, but that’s what we’ve tried to do…
Lucy: “We did so much that it’s difficult to pick a favourite thing, but I loved getting to know the girls from the Faith Centre and getting involved in the Streetlife Project. God has really taught me about his love and has given me faith to trust him wholly.”
To read the rest of this article & more about the trip visit the blog here