Chris Frost

We recently received a prophetic word from Leslie Davy who is based here at Leeds Gateway for our family of churches. The word was about the young people in our churches, hearing stories of God’s goodness. Stories of God’s sustaining power through hard times, or the breakthrough of His goodness in terms of miracles, provision, healing - mentally, emotionally and physically. 

In response to this encouragement what we’ve decided to do is to try and gather some of these stories together. So, during our prayer day on Wednesday 28th February 2024 at Saint Marks in Leeds, we’ve asked our good friend Sarah who does much of our filming for ChristCentral to come along and set up a room where we can record some of these stories of God’s goodness. 

We would love to encourage you to join us at our Prayer Day but also to book a 15-minute slot to allow you time to record a 3-minute (max) video testimony of a personal story of God’s goodness in your life. 

The idea is to then put that on the ChristCentral YouTube channel and distribute them in various ways as an opportunity to share those stories of God’s faithfulness, to encourage one another and the upcoming generation. 

We’re really looking forward to our Prayer Day we’ve got the privilege of having David Devenish with us during the afternoon and there’ll be a great chance to pray for church planting as well as time together to worship and just be together as a family of churches. 

So I’m really looking forward to seeing you on the 28th February and don’t forget to consider who you can invite from your team, who are the younger leaders that you’re looking to bring through who would benefit from being with us for the day? 

If you have a testimony you'd like to share get in touch via email: info@christcentralchurches.org