The Church and The Transgender Movement
In this cultural moment, there are two things that have been noted: confusion and a sense of intimidation that Christians may feel.
I’m committed through training to equip Christians to deal with very complex cultural issues, that are getting more complex as the years go on. So we’d love to invite you to join us for the School of Leadership Plus training days which are coming up 2-3 May 2024 on the transgender movement which is one of those prominent cultural change movements that we are considering and dealing with at the moment. I very much want to encourage you to come along.
We’re combining cultural analysis, theology and a very close look at how we care for families, teenagers, parents, youth workers who are in our churches pastorally.
We’ve got a very good team of speakers: Dr Judy Maxwell, Andrew Bunt, Sophie Spital, who are going to present a very rounded view of this issue during our two days together.
Price Break - 31st March
So, I’d like to very strongly encouraging you to come along. You can join us online or in person. There is a price break coming up at the end of March, it’s all on our website: so please do join us for what will be a one of a kind opportunity to really look into this issue.
School of Leadership Update
While I am here I also wanted to give a personal update. I am standing down from leading the School of Leadership in June 2025 after 11 years of leading and caring for more than 250 students.
Many people across our the ChristCentral family and further have been those students and we’ve become friends and have worked together in all sorts of different ways over the years.
I’m grateful to announce that Sam Evans will be taking over this role, so please do give your support to Sam. He’s already asked me to continue doing some of the teaching on the course so I will not be disappearing altogether.
One thing to mention that’s important is that if people book into School of Leadership in this coming year, please do assume a continuity of programme and capacity through this changing of leadership. Please don’t be put off by this but continue to get people to sign up. We are putting together a careful plan so that this transition works out smoothly for our students.
I also wanted to let you know that I am standing down from eldership in my local church after 33 years. The reason I am doing these things is I have a sense of just needing to focus the next few years on a few key tasks that really need my focus. One is the Word Online training ( and if you don’t know about this resource you should look it up! The goal is to recording teachings on every passage in the New Testament which will be accessible for people in the developing world who can use the English as a second language all over the world.
I’m also going to be book writing and working on some cultural issues and a few other projects that I’m working on, so I’m still very much at Barnabas as well as involved in ChristCentral but my role will be changing over the next couple of years.