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God Stories - Michael - Darlington

Hi there, my name is Michael, I lead the team at King's Church Darlington.

I wanted to share a story that happened to us a few months ago. Last year, as a church, we, like everybody else, experienced a huge increase in our expenses, particularly regarding electricity and gas. We were tied into a contract that was just crippling us with a huge business bill. This meant that our electricity bills essentially went from around £2000 a month to around £9000 a month. It was just unbelievable!

It was unbearable for our finances. We hadn't budgeted for such a hike, and we were really struggling. In fact, it was so bad that the trustees were worried that by the end of the year, we would be running out of cash resources. As an employer, it was a really bad position to be in. We pleaded with the Energy Company to release us from a contract that was way too high for us to pay and they, to be fair to them, said they hadn't done any wrong.

They hadn't miss- sold it to us. It had been agreed to and they were right. There was nothing we could do about it. Many times, we asked them to help us. Many times, they came back and said, "we're really sorry, there's nothing we can do, you're in a contract."

We prayed, and we persevered. The Eldership prayed, the Trustees prayed, and the Deacons prayed. Finally, somehow something shifted in their hearts. After much persistence in prayer, they came back to us. They essentially said we're going to release you from your contract and put you into a new one with an incredible rate reduction. Essentially losing themselves over the next year £75,000.

We couldn't believe it, but we were left in a position where we were able to pay for our bills and not lose all of our cash reserves and it was just an incredible moment of WOW God!! Even the electricity companies have to bow their knee to you, when you ask their will to change. So, I just wanted to encourage you with that. It was just an incredible moment for us as a church. God's always been faithful. God always will be faithful. So, thanks a lot!

You can read other stories in this series here.

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