ChristCentral Web

The Book of Revelation - a fresh look at a key text
This is an opportunity to look afresh at this much debated book allowing the language, structure, style, and context of Revelation to guide us.

This will be a textual overview. We will engage with the most common types of interpretation but keep our focus on the text itself and the amazing way it unfolds as we engage with it in its totality.

We will discuss the risk of both the neglect and the misuse of Revelation. The aim is to bring clarity, not confusion!

Martin Charlesworth: Martin Charlesworth lives in Shrewsbury with his wife Jane and has three grown-up daughters. He is part of the leadership team at Barnabas Community Church, is the founder of Jubilee+ and now works with a number of church-based charities in the UK. Martin is training Director for ChristCentral and has co-authored three books about the church's engagement with issues of social justice in the UK.

Online and In-person
We are inviting leaders to two days of training on Thursday 22nd & Friday 23rd May 2025. Participation is available both Online on Zoom and In-Person in Sheffield using our new 'hybrid' format, which has been well-tested on School of Leadership and has proved very successful.

Day 1:- 9:30am - 5.30pm
Day 2:- 9.00am - 3.00pm

For full details about this training and to book in today visit:

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