ChristCentral Web
Next Generation Prayer - 2025

As a family of churches, we're called to raise up the next generation of believers and so one of our priorities is to pray for our young people. 

Tragically, many young people are struggling and the numbers battling with mental health crisies is on the rise, even amongst primary school children! Not only that but suicide rates are increasing as well!

Whilst the media and influencers are raising the profile of mental health issues, as Christians we know that we have the ultimate eternal life-saving answer! 

Let's become an army of intercessors, praying regularly for our teenagers and students and let's believe that God will raise up another generation of Christians like Jim & Elizabeth Elliot, Hudson Taylor, Brother Andrew and Jackie Pullinger. 

So join us for Next Generation Prayer!

Thursdays 9:30-10am. Zoom link: https://cccw.it/csGvbF

Our next dates are as follows:
・9th January
・13th February
・6th March
・10th April

Any questions, thoughts, ideas, please contact me at: lesley.davy@gatewayleeds.net