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Recommended - The Plausibility Problem

Recommended Reading
The Plausibility Problem
The Plausibility Problem
By Ed Shaw
It's all very well to say that the Bible is clear when it talks about homosexuality. But is it realistic? Isn't it unrealistic and unfair to those who struggle with this issue? Doesn't it condemn them to loneliness, a lack of fulfilment and the loss of basic human satisfactions like sex and marriage? Is what the church teaches a plausible way of life?

Ed Shaw experiences same-sex attraction, and yet he is committed to what the Bible says and what the church has always taught about marriage and sex. In this honest book, he shares his pain in dealing with these issues - but, at the same time, shows us that obedience to Jesus is ultimately the only way to experience life to the full.

He shows that the Bible's teaching seems unreasonable not because of its difficulties, but because of missteps that the church has often taken in its understanding of the Christian life. We have been shaped by the world around us, and urgently need to re-examine the values that drive our discipleship. Only by doing this in the light of the Bible, can we make sense of its call on the lives of those who are attracted to their own sex.

We have so often made Jesus' way sound like a bad deal. Only by reclaiming the reality of gospel discipleship, can we truly see and appreciate that life in Christ is the best way for any human life to be lived = whomever we are attracted to.

Ed Shaw's book 'The Plausibility Problem' is not simply for those living with same sex attraction, it's for all of us. The 'just say no' approach to human sexuality does not work anymore, it's left the Church sounding like the Jesus way is a poor substitute for a good life. Ed calls us all to a 'better way' as radically inclusive church families, who find our identity first and foremost in Christ and not our sexuality. --Steve Clifford, General Director at Evangelical Alliance

Reading Ed Shaw's new book moved me to tears. It moved me to review how and what and why I think what I do about homosexuality, marriage, family and the church. It moved me to repent over the many pastoral and theological missteps I've thoughtlessly bought into that have led us to where we are today. And it moved me to thank God for a Christian brother practising what he preaches, writing with grace and truth, poignant honesty and gospel hope. I doubt a more important and timely book will be written this year on the topic --Dave Gobbett, Lead Minister, Highfields Church, Cardiff and Word Alive trustee

As a same-sex attracted person, I'm delighted to recommend this passionate and compassionate book by my friend Ed Shaw. Ed shows that the kind of celibate singleness he himself lives out as a same-sex attracted man is both plausible and fulfilling, and thereby offers hope and encouragement to others in his situation, and courage and wisdom to pastors who want to be equipped to support them --Sean Doherty, Tutor in Ethics at St. Mellitus College

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Copies of this book are available to purchase on Amazon in both paperback & kindle formats.

Find Out More
Ed Shaw is speaking at our School of Leadership Plus Module in November. Find out more here:

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Books we recommend on our website don't necessarily reflect the position or opinions of ChristCentral. We recommended them to help challenge and equip our church leaders in developing healthy and well rounded churches and disciples of Jesus.