Lou Fellingham

Lou Fellingham Albums.

Lou’s distinctive voice and heart for people have made her a greatly loved worship leader, singer and recording artist. Lou served as lead singer of Phatfish for almost two decades - during which time they recorded eight albums, toured extensively throughout the UK, Canada and America and became an integral part of the worship team at the Stoneleigh Bible weeks.

Lou has also made several appearances on the BBC's 'Songs of Praise'. Now concentrating on her solo material, Lou has several albums to her name, including Treasure, Promised Land, Step into the Light and This Changes Everything. Lou & Nathan have just finished a new album 'Made For You' which was released in April 2019.

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Made For You

If you've spent any time listening to Christian music the chances are you've already heard Lou Fellingham sing. Not only as a songwriter and worship leader but as a woman who has been an ever-present in the music industry for the last 20 years. An internationally known worship leader six albums in to a firmly-established ministry she is known for her prophetic edge distinctive voice unwavering energy to see lives changed through the power of music and word.

With a heart that longs for people to know God and his outrageous love Lou is tireless in her pursuit to write and record powerful songs and to lead people in singing truth that lifts their heads and stirs their hearts. Her critically acclaimed albums are packed with inspiring melodies wrapped around God exalting lyrics to remind us of who He is and who He has made us to be.

'Ultimately we want the music we write to draw people to God. That by the power and presence of His Spirit people would have revelation of all that Jesus has done for us. That we can be restored to the Father. Worship is His gift to us. We're made to worship our creator and He is worthy no matter what but we find that as we give we also receive."

Embodying authenticity spiritual integrity and communicating the power of the gospel has always been the anchor of her music underpinning and emphasizing her musical gifting. Two years after the release of her last album This Changes Everything Lou has recorded her second live album at Capitol Theatre Horsham Lou's new album captures her in her element: worshipping with a full band among old friends using new songs to communicate timeless truths.

The new songs have each been written in collaboration with other writers Chris and Abbey Eaton and Michael Farren to Noel Robinson Krissy Nordhoff and Junior Garr as well as Lou's sister Emma Pears and husband Nathan Fellingham.

The album is also be available to purchase from the following stores: amazon.com, iTunes and Eden.

Track listing

No. Title Length Chords & Lyrics
1 Faithful 5:33 Chords & Lyrics
2 Ready For You 5:32 Chords & Lyrics
3 Our God Is For Us 3:51 Chords & Lyrics
4 Wonder of The Cross 7:02 Chords & Lyrics
5 Miracle or Not 8:12 Chords & Lyrics
6 Jesus You're With Us 8:52 Chords & Lyrics
7 Bring It All To Jesus 4:11 Chords & Lyrics
8 Life Giver 3:31 Chords & Lyrics
9 I Will Go 3:59 Chords & Lyrics
10 Keeper of My Heart 5:06 Chords & Lyrics
11 Worthy Is The Saviour 6:04 Chords & Lyrics

This Changes Everything

Stepping out of the studio and onto the stage, Phatfish alumna Lou Fellingham has released her very first live solo album ever! This Changes Everything is a bold step forward, an opportunity for Lou Fellingham for trust in God and sing without a safety-net.

Timeless and moving, the songs of This Changes Everything are made for Churches across the United Kingdom to adopt.

Songs like 'All I Need You' and 'Everlasting Arms' hearken back to the same honesty and desire for God that can be felt in the iconic anthem 'There is a Day' which launched Lou Fellingham into homes and hearts across the world. Filled with the presence of hundreds of voices in worship, the live recording of This Changes Everything carries with it a power that studio releases simply lack. It is honest worship sung with vulnerable hearts.

As well as featuring brand new songs by Lou, the album also feature a classic - if sadly forgotten - hymn which has been reworked to touch the hearts of all ages: How Great The Love Of Jesus is brought back into a timeless recording, and certainly back into Church services to come.

The culmination of 20 years in worship, This Changes Everything is Lou Fellingham at her distinctive best: honest, joyful, and soaring in praise.

The album is also be available to purchase from the following stores: amazon.com, iTunes and Eden.

Track listing

No. Title Length Chords & Lyrics
1 Praise The Name of Jesus 3:21 Chords & Lyrics
2 The Final Say 4:56 Chords & Lyrics
3 Turn My Life Around 4:15 Chords & Lyrics
4 Strong To Deliver 5:07 Chords & Lyrics
5 Everlasting Arms (Lean Hard) 8:37 Chords & Lyrics
6 Speak 4:37 Chords & Lyrics
7 Lord I Need You 4:43 Chords & Lyrics
8 How Great The Love of Jesus 7:19 Chords & Lyrics
9 Tapestry 5:42 Chords & Lyrics
10 Sweet Surrender 3:53 Chords & Lyrics
11 You Reign 4:28 Chords & Lyrics
12 Christ In Me 4:32 Chords & Lyrics
13 This Changes Everything 5:17 Chords & Lyrics


Fascinate CD is Lou Fellingham’s fourth solo album. The celebrated British singer/songwriter, Songs of Praise star and former lead singer with the Christian band Phatfish sees this album as possibly more intense than some of her previous recordings.

These songs, she commented, haven't not always come quickly, but in the knowledge that God had helped them on their way her belief is that these songs will be used by Him to speak to the heart and lift the soul.

Lou’s solo career follows almost two decades of leading worship with her husband Nathan which saw their band Phatfish tour extensively throughout the UK, Canada and America. The couple, backed by the successful UK band, supported worship teams at the Stoneleigh Bible weeks and Christian arts events nationwide.

Lou's distinctive voice is a major feature on best selling worship albums from Phatfish, on her solo albums, on BBC TV’s Songs of Praise and on countless compilation albums where Lou has appeared with the most influential Christian artists including Stuart Townend.

'Fascinate' features collaborations with Nick Herbert and Jake Isaac, under the watchful and skilled production talents of Sam Cox who also produces for Matt Redman and Nikki Fletcher. With sound by Hillsong’s Sam Gibson and mastered by Kylie’s sound mixer Geoff Pesche at London's Abbey Road, the production quality of this recording is assured beyond doubt.

The album is also be available to purchase from the following stores: amazon.com, iTunes and Eden.

Track listing

No. Title Length Chord Sheets
1 Fix My Eyes 3:19 Chords & Lyrics
2 Awaken 3:47 Chords & Lyrics
3 Wholly Yours 4:13 Chords & Lyrics
4 Fascinate 5:08 Chords & Lyrics
5 You Are My Peace 4:42 Chords & Lyrics
6 New Song 3:40 Chords & Lyrics
7 Hallelujah 3:56 Chords & Lyrics
8 Trinity 3:30 Chords & Lyrics
9 Roar 5:23 Chords & Lyrics
10 Stand In Awe 4:30 Chords & Lyrics
11 Sacrifice (feat. Jake Isaac) 5:18 Chords & Lyrics
12 All Hail King Jesus 5:04 Chords & Lyrics

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