Zambia Appeal - Christmas 2024.
Zambia is facing an ongoing challenge from climate change, which threatens the food security of many people. This year, 2024, has seen a particularly severe ongoing drought which has been declared a National Disaster.
For several years ChristCentral churches in Zambia have been involved in a number of projects to make farming more climate-resilient. Our latest project will integrate what has already been learnt and provide a model that can be replicated in other local communities. The project is managed by WayMaker International in cooperation with CreationCall, ChristCentral’s environmental initiative. The video below gives some more details about our appeal.
ChristCentral churches in the UK will take up local offerings but if you would like to give towards the Zambia Appeal online using a Debit or Credit Card click here or click "give now" below.

To find out more about the financial services LoveGiving offers click here.
Zambia Appeal - Video
Christmas Appeal Flyer
We have produced a flyer which you can download and print to publicise the appeal at your local church. You can download a copy here.
For more information about this project and future plans click here.
How can you give?
Via your bank
If you would like to give to ChristCentral either as a one off or regular gift via your bank please click here for more details. Please make sure you use the correct reference: "Christmas Appeal 2024". This enables us to direct your giving to the relevant budget.
If you would like give by cheque please make your cheque payable to: Christ Central Churches Worldwide and send it to: ChristCentral, PO Box 7736, Derby, DE1 0RY. Please write on the back of your cheque - "Christmas Appeal 2024".
Gift Aid
You may wish to consider using Gift Aid if you are a UK Tax payer. Gift Aid increases the value of donations to charities by allowing them to reclaim basic rate tax on your gift. If you have not completed a Gift Aid form and you are giving via your bank or by cheque you can complete our online form by using the link below.
Online Giving - via Debit or Credit Card - LoveGiving
If you wish to give online rather than directly via your bank you can do this here or by clicking "give now" below. You can also opt to increase your gift by using the Gift Aid scheme. Please use the reference: "Christmas Appeal 2024". Thank you so much for your generosity!

To find out more about the financial services LoveGiving offers click here.
More information...
Like many other countries in the developing world, Zambia has been greatly affected by climate change in recent years. The most obvious challenge has been the greater impacts of droughts and water shortage, which reduce the yields of harvests. Even more devastating can be excessive rain, bringing floods that destroy crops, infrastructure and homes, and add to the existing problems of soil erosion through run-off.
Ongoing Emergency
For some Zambian people, including many members of ChristCentral Churches Zambia (CCCZ), climate change has become an immediate and ongoing emergency. It increasingly threatens their food security and undermines the sustainability of life. There have been numerous floods and droughts in recent years, but the 2024/2025 planting season has seen a persistent drought through much of the country. In February, the president declared a National Disaster, with 6.6 million out of 20 million national population in need of urgent humanitarian assistance.
Over the years, CCCZ has tried to meet the challenges of climate change strategically through a series of small-scale farming projects in different parts of the country, which have aimed to improve food security and provide greater resilience to climate change. These have mainly been funded from the UK, many of them by the charity BREADTrust, for whose support CCCZ is very grateful.
New Project
As the situation continues to deteriorate, ChristCentral Churches in the UK wish to support our churches in Zambia by funding a new project, learning from all those that have gone before. This project is not relief aid but aims to support CCCZ in their strategic long-term goals. It will initially be focused in Masaiti (a district in the Copperbelt Province of central Zambia), starting with 16 households, and will include the following aspects:
1. Using improved climate-smart farming techniques, based on Foundations for Farming (previously known as Farming God’s Way).
2. Providing a more reliable water supply, by drilling a borehole with solar installations and using other water management techniques.
3. Increasing the diversity of farming, including growing vegetables, planting fruit and nut trees, chicken-rearing and beekeeping.
4. Developing effective marketing and increasing community cohesion through working in cooperatives.
5. Careful local management to ensure that new approaches become effectively embedded in farming lifestyles.
Our hope is that a successful project will be inspirational to the local community and be a model to roll out in other places.
What's happening at the moment?
Work has already started at Masaiti, with the aid of an initial grant from Waymaker International. For Christmas 2024, we plan to have collections at the carol services in the ChristCentral UK churches to strengthen and extend the project. Depending on available funds, this will both enable similar projects to start in other locations (initially the potential of a project in Choma, a town the Southern Province in Southern Zambia) and will also add greater diversity to the initial project in Masaiti.
For more details about how you can give into this offering click here for more details.
Debt Advice
If you are a regular attendee of a ChristCentral or Newfrontiers church and are having financial difficulties, please do the following:
- Firstly, speak to your small group leader, an elder/senior leader or someone else you trust - don't struggle in silence.
- Secondly, the following organisations (in the UK) offer financial advice and help with managing debt and it may be beneficial for you to make contact with one of them:
Christians Against Poverty (CAP)
Community Money Advice
Citizens Advice BureauxWarning on Credit Card Giving
We would warn against the irresponsible use of credit cards in any situation, and giving is no exception. It is unwise to go into debt for any reason but especially where giving towards the work of ChristCentral or Newfrontiers.
ChristCentral Finance Team
For any further information please don't hesitate to contact the finance team at
ChristCentral Legal Information
ChristCentral Churches is a registered charity (1151447) and a limited company in England (Christ Central Churches Worldwide Ltd. Reg No: 08302020). Our registered office is: Suite 2.6 Southgate BIC, Normanton Road, Derby, DE23 6UQ.
Online Giving
Powered by LoveGivingIf you would like to give online, rather than via your bank, please click below. Thank you for your generosity!

Christmas Appeal Video
Christmas Appeal Flyer
We have produced a flyer which you can download and print to publicise the appeal at your local church. You can download a copy here.
Other Giving Methods
If you would like to give by cash, cheque or standing order please click here for more details.Debt Advice
If you are struggling with personal debt and are looking for advice > click here.We believe that God has called us to make a difference. Every one of us has a part to play as we seek to build communities that love one another and bring the kingdom of God into every area of life.