We want to intentionally disciple you.
We are no longer running the ChristCentral IMPACT program. However, the good news is, we are encouraging churches to continue to host interns and are now partnering with the ID: Intentional Discipleship program to help churches provide training and international mission opportunities.
So what is ID?
ID is a year-long church internship program designed to help you walk with Jesus into the adventures that he has for you.
Over the course of the year you'll be immersed in the life and mission of a local church, where you can serve in a wide variety of exciting ministries and be lovingly discipled. We also expose you to exciting missional opportunities with Newfrontiers churches both in the UK and abroad.
Who is it for?
For anyone 18+
What does the ID programme look like?
The ID programme has four main components:
Training Programme
Church Placement
Personal Study
Missions Trip
Training Programme
Three times a year the ID team take time out from our serving and come together in order to catch up, receive from the Lord and grow together. We get in great teachers to open up God’s word, we worship together, minister to one another, and have a lot of fun.
A typical day of ID training starts with us all coming together for a group bible study led by one of the IDers. This is something we train you in and it’s an excellent opportunity for you to learn an important skill. The rest of the day is taken up with the main teaching, however these won’t be continual brain cramming sessions; there will be plenty of chances for discussions, journaling, creativity, worship, walks and time to reflect.
Online Teaching - Throughout the ID year, there is also weekly gatherings online. These are great times to catch up together, worship and have teaching from course leaders, as well as a number of guest speakers.
Church Placement
During the course of the year ‘IDers’ get the chance to be apprenticed in a church ministry. It might be youth work, kids work, supporting uni students, or outreach into the community. Often these are amazing but challenging opportunities that will stretch, grow you and expose you to nuts and bolts of a local church.
Besides gaining valuable ministry experience, you’ll learn how to manage your time well, take responsibilty and serve people both in and out of church. The ID team and the churches work hard to make sure that this year is a healthy experience, and one that will captivate your heart for a lifetime of service.
Personal Study
Personal study is an important part of the year and students will be encouraged to set aside at least one half-day per week for personal reading and study. Study will be supervised by each church project leader.
The church-based project should help the student to grow in skills and gifting, but more importantly in character and relationship with God.
The church and student together will identify someone who will be able to disciple the student during their ID year – this will be someone the student can be completely honest with about their successes and failures, joys and struggles, strengths and weaknesses.
Missions Trip
A key value of the ID year is that deep discipleship leads to passionate and confident mission.
Each year the ID team visit a Newfrontiers church plant usually in mainland Europe. We go to encourage pioneers, to give our IDers an ‘on the ground’ experience of church planting, and to give ourselves to telling people in that location the good news of Jesus Christ.
When does ID start?
ID runs from the beginning of September to the end of July. Applications for the next ID year {which begins in the following September} open at the start of October.
Where will I be based?
You can choose to be based at any Newfrontiers church that is running an ID project. For some students this will be their local church.
What area can I serve in?
Depending on the location you may work on a new or existing project, on your own or with other ID students. You should discuss this with your local church or with the church you are planning to be part of during your ID year.
How much will it cost?
The course fees are £1500. IDers may also need to fund their living costs for the year depending upon where they are placed.
Who runs ID?
ChristCentral is working alongside Relational Mission who are part of the wider Newfrontiers family. Matt Fell is the ID Programme Director. The programme is run and administered by Revelation Church London.
Closing Date for Applications
The closing date for applications is midnight on 21st July. If you are in the process of putting together an application and the deadline is close please get in touch with us to let us know!
How do I apply?
Application form
Upon application, IDers state a preference for which church they would like to be placed in. This might be their home church or another church in the Newfrontiers family. There are exciting opportunities to do ID and serve across Europe and in Kenya! Whilst most IDers will be based in the placement of their preference, some applicants will be offered placements that the ID team feel would stretch and bless them.
Here's how the application process works:
1. Fill in the application
2. State what church placement you'd like to be based at
3. ID Director reviews applications and discusses with relevant church leaders
4. Placement is offered
5. Fees paid by September
6. Start September
More Details
If you have further questions or would like to speak to someone please contact: id@christcentralchurches.org.
Promo Video
I have never experienced a year that saw God change my heart so much. My understanding of his word grew, my desire to worship increased, plus I was able to serve the church in a whole host of ways, which allowed me to work out how I best fit. And it was a lot of fun – I made friendships that stand strong to this day.
I wanted to spend a year devoted to Jesus, learning from Scripture and growing in leadership. I learned how to slow down in order to better hear from God.
ID has been the most important year of my life. My relationship with God will never be the same.
II can’t imagine going into the world of work without completing this year!
It transformed how I understand the Gospel and communicate with God in my everyday life.
Application Deadline
Please ensure we have all applications by 21st July
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